Monday, December 26, 2005

second part of the blog...

This Christmas season was different from the past years. Instead of rushing to different places to carol, I rushing only to church, twice, to rehearse for the Christmas skit. Most significantly, I reached home before 10.30pm. Although I felt something missing, I get to spend more time with my family especially with my younger brother who had his first booked out.

Anyway, I attended the Christmas Worship service and performed in the skit. haha.. only appear for a few seconds. Okie.. I wanted to share the sermon which i find rather meaningful. The speaker was Dr Lim Teck Peng. The summary as follows with a few personal notes:

-------------------- The Light of Christmas ( John 1:9-14)--------------------------

We received lots of gifts during Christmas. Some of these gifts were chunked aside. We too, gave lots of gifts to our children, friends and relatives. So many gifts, and have we asked " What is the true gift of Christmas?" The answer is " the light of life" ( John 8:12).

When we believed in Him, we accept and walk in the light ( John 12: 46). This would change our perspective of lives. The change could be sudden or in most believers, gradual. For certain, the light will shine in and out of us.

We are children of God and truly, we are children of light. God can change us. God want to change us. He has the means through Jesus as we walk in the light of life.

Sometimes we afraid to speak our mind because we afraid to lose something. However, we should not fret. The word of God, with the Holy Spirit, we have the voice of Jesus therefore, we could speak. The truth shall make us free ( John 8:32). Remember we walk in the light, not the darkness ( John 3:19-20).

Light is grace and truth. Some people said that speaking the truth has no place for grace or even love. Grace comprises our moral standard by indulgence of wrong doing and grace comprises truth. However, the words of Jesus are both graceful and truth. He knows everything but He is so graceful. Grace gives us to grow. When His diciples do not understand His teachings, He would painstakingly explain to them.

We could confuse the grace of Jesus with ourselves. To us, gracious means be nice to people.

We as children of Light, should have grace and truth. May our lives fill with light. May those who came to us see the light of grace and truth. Luke 8: 16 " No one, when he has lit a lamp, covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed, but sets it on a lampstand, that those who enter may see the light. "

Remember Jesus said that love or care should given without asking for recongition. Even Jesus is rejected by men. Do not be despair.


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