Thursday, March 08, 2007

food encounter

A highly sensitive girl I used to be. To be exact, sensitive to food. Mango, seafood, yogurt and beef will trigger allergic reactions, thankfully in the form of rashes. The worst memory is when I was 7 taking my first beef bite. I had to miss a few days of school because the rashes were horrenous. I abstain from beef ever since then. Anyway, why eat beef when we have chickens? I no longer have allergic reaction to mangoes, seafood and yogurt due to mass consumption of these food over the past 10 years.

I am going to a Medical Mission - Mongolia from 17th to 27th of June. The staple food is beef and button. I know those carnivorous out there already drooling over the images of fresh steaks but being beef-phobic it causes some worries in me. " What if there is only beef?", " What am I going to eat?", " Am i going to starve over there?", " Oh no I will cause such inconvenience to my team.." etc. Hence, I determine to build up my immune system against beef!

I decided monday would be the day to try beef because the following day is my "off-day". So in case of bad allergic reaction, I can go to hospital without attracting any attention. On monday, a brother sat beside eating his delicious bowl of beef noodle. The door of opportunity is opened. I courageously ate a small piece of beef. The next day, I am alright. "Is it too small a piece such that it doesnt cause any reaction?"

Today, I ate my first double cheese burger (with ah mah and her friend). Nothing has happened at the time I am typing this sentance. We shall see tomorrow.


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